By the end of this unit, you will have achieved a greater understanding of the following concepts:

  • different types of expenses and how to draw up a simple personal budget

  • different shopping strategies, how to compare prices and collate information

  • different types of companies according to size, economic sector and activities that they carry out

  • how businesses are organised.


By the end of this unit, you will have achieved a greater understanding of the following concepts:

  • raw materials and finished products 

  • the life cycle of a product and the role each sector plays in this process 

  • the activities relevant to the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in Spain and Europe

  • the functions of publicity, recognising the most commonly used strategies.





 In this unit we will learn about the main population-related issues and concepts.
Population terminology: demography, absolute population, population density.
Population pyramidsand other graphs used in the study of populations.
The main population nuclei of Spain and Europe, the most densely populated areas and the main migratory movements.

Quiz Population👇

Population pyramid👇


In Unit 3 we will take an overall look at the rule of the Habsburgs and the Bourbons and will reflect on how Spain has changed since the middle Ages.



- Felipe III

- Felipe IV

- Carlos II


- Felipe V

- Fernando VI

- Carlos III





In Unit 2, we will know about the reign of Fernando and Isabel. And we will name the kings and queens of Spain in the 15th and 16th century.

The end of the Reconquista and the beginning of the kingdom of the Christian Monarchs took place in 1492.

In the following picture you can see the family tree of Isabel I from Castilla and Fernando II from Aragon.

Dates that each king or queen was born and died:

1452 - 1516 (Fernando II )
1451- 1504 ( Isabel I de Castilla)
1459- 1519 ( Maximiliano I)
1457- 1482 ( María de Borgoña)
1479- 1555 ( Juana I de Castilla)
1478- 1506 ( Felipe I de Castilla)
1500- 1558 ( Carlos I/ Carlos V)
1503- 1539 ( Isabel de Portugal)
1527- 1598 ( Felipe II)

Who died the oldest?
Who died the youngest?


Look how the Catholic Monarchs married their children with important European Royal families.


Queen Isabella I of Spain Facts

History of Spain: A brief history of Spain

 Christopher Columbus


The word "Renaissance" means "rebirth". 

The Middle Ages began with the fall of the Roman Empire. 

The Renaissance was a time of "coming out of the dark".

It was a rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music, and a better life for people in general.


 In the years before the end of the Roman Empire, various Germanic tribes came to Roman Hispania. The Visigoths were one of these tribes. They came to Roman Hispania in the 5th century A.D. (En los años anteriores a la caída del Imperio romano, varias tribus germánicas llegaron a la Hispania romana. Los visigodos fueron una de esas tribus. Llegaron a la península en el siglo V d.C.).

* At first, the Visigoths helped the Romans fight other Germanic tribes. Then, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Visigoths established a new kingdom with its capital city in Toledo. It was called the Kingdom of Toledo. It was established in 507 A.D. (Al principio, los visigodos ayudaron a los romanos a luchar contra otras tribus germánicas. Pero después de la caída del Imperio, establecieron un reino propio con capital en la ciudad de Toledo. El Reino visigodo de Toledo se inició en el 507 d.C.). 

* After the fall of the Roman Empire, the economy of the Iberian Peninsula changed. There was less trade and the population of cities and towns decreased. Most Visigoths were farmers and they lived in the countryside. (Después de la caída del Imperio romano, la economía de la península ibérica cambió. Se redujo el comercio y el número de habitantes en las ciudades. Muchos visigodos eran agricultores y vivían en el campo).

* In 711 A.D., Muslim armies came from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula. They conquered the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo. It became a new Muslim territory called al-Andalus. (En el 711 d.C. llegaron ejércitos musulmanes desde el norte de África a la península ibérica, donde conquistaron el Reino visigodo de Toledo. La península se convirtió en un territorio musulmán llamado al-Ándalus).

* After the Muslims defeated the Visigoths at the Battle of Guadalete in 711 A.D., al-Andalus became part of the caliphate. (Tras la Victoria de los musulmanes a los visigodos en la batalla de Guadalete en el 711 d.C., al-Ándalus se convirtió en parte del califato).

* In al-Andalus, most people were farmers and agriculture was the most important economic activity. However, there were also artisans in the towns and cities. Merchants sold the products made by the artisans. As a result of growing trade, there were more towns and cities in al-Andalus than in the Christian kingdoms. (En al-Ándalus, la mayor parte de la población se dedicaba a la agricultura, que era la principal actividad económica. Sin embargo, también existían artesanos en los pueblos y las ciudades. Los mercaderes vendían los productos fabricados por los artesanos. El comercio aumentó y las. Ciudades y pueblos crecieron en al-Ándalus más que en los reinos cristianos).

* When the Muslims created al-Andalus, many Christians moved to the mountains in the north. In 722 A.D. the Battle of Covadonga took place between the Christians and the Muslims. A Visigoth noble called Don Pelayo was the leader of the Christians. He defeated the Muslims in the battle. (Cuando los musulmanes llegaron a la península, muchos cristianos se dirigieron a las zonas montañosas del norte. En el 722 tuvo lugar la batalla de Covadonga entre musulmanes y cristianos. Don Pelayo, un noble visigodo, era el líder de los cristianos. Ganó a los musulmanes en la batalla).

* The Christians built many religious buildings that we can still see today, such as churches and monasteries. There were two main styles of architecture in the Middle Ages: Romanesque and Gothic.(Los cristianos construyeron muchos edificios religiosos que podemos visitar hoy en día, como las iglesias y los monasterios. Hubo dos estilos principales de arquitectura en la Edad Media: el románico y el gótico). 

* Between the 8th and the 15th centuries, the Christian kingdoms expanded to the south. They conquered lands from al-Andalus. This process is called the Reconquista(Entre los siglos VIII y XV, los reinos cristianos se expandieron hacia el sur, conquistando las tierras de al-Ándalus. Este proceso se ha llamado la Reconquista).

The visigoths

Watch  the video "Who were the Visigoths?"

The Muslim Conquest of Spain 

Thursday 11th February


By the end of this unit, you will have achieved a greater understanding of the following concepts.

  • population terminology<. demography, absolute population, population density

  • population pyramids and other graphs used in the study of populations

  • the main population nuclei of Spain and Europe, the most densely populated areas and the main migratory movements.


Sharing your story with census data

Population pyramid


Emigrate means to leave one's country to live in another. 

 Immigrate is to come into another country to live permanently.

 Migrate is to move, like birds in the winter.To go from one country, region,

or place to another, especially periodically. ( Rural populations have migrated to urban areas).

Migration Definition

  What is migration? Immigration and emigration

People migrate for many reasons:

There weren't enough jobs in Spain and people needed to work. Some peolple didn't like he political situation during the Franco years and were forced or decided to leave.
What benefits can immigration bring?
Immigrants work and contribute to the economy. It creates a culturally more diverse society.

Monday 14th December 


Learning objectives.
By the end of this unit, you will have achieved a greater understanding of the following concepts:

  • The reigns of Felipe III, Felipe  IV and Carlos II.
  • The Spanish Golden Age and its writers and artists.
  • FelipeV, the first Bourbon king of Spain and key events from the Bourbon reign.
  • The scientific expeditions of Jorge Juan.
  • The reign of Carlos III and the modernisation of Madrid.

First, let's watch this  video👇 

 The family tree of the Spanish monarchy.

 The Bourbon Dynasty I: Bourbon House 

                                       History of Spain: A brief history of Spain


Friday 9th  October

Correct the worksheets from yesterday.(Adjunto)
Pupil's Book page 78: Think about it.
Answer the questions in your notebook. This is a kind of review.

Thursday 8th  October

Correct pages 6 and 7 Activity Book.
Reinforcement worksheets. 
Wednesday 7th  October

Do Activity Book pages 6-7.

Monday 5th  October

Correct Pupil's Book pages 16-17. (Adjunto) 

Do Activity Book page 5.

Friday 2nd October
Thursday 1st October

 We have done page 14. 
                           Reading and listening ( Adjunto)
                           Activity Book pages 2, 3
                           Vocabulary: clergy, hierarchy, knight, monk, noble, nun, 
                           peasant, plague, serf.
Homework: Activity Book page 4.

           See you soon!!!😘😘

Wednesday 30th September

We have listened and read page 11 and 12
and we have  done Activity Book page 2.

That's all for today.
Get better!!

Tuesday 29th September

Listen and read page 10, Activity Book.

(A brief review in Spanish)

 Write down and complete sentence about what happened on these dates:
AD  756
AD  929
AD  976
AD  1031
  • Remember to use the simple past.
That's all for today!!!

Get better!!!😘😘

Monday 28th September

P.B. Read and listen to the page 9.
Copy in your notebook common Spanish surnames that come from the Visigoths:
González, Ramírez, Fernández, Rodríguez and  Gómez.

Watch  the video "Who were the Visigoths?"


           The Muslim Conquest of Spain 


Have a good day!!!😘😘

Hi again!!
What you  have to do  today is read page 8 Pupil's book and copy  the Spanish rivers poem in your notebook.

Get better!!😋😋

Friday 5th June 

 . Review Unit 5: What are the periods oh Prehistory?
 . Watch U.5. videos.

Have a good weekend!!😘😘

Wednesday 3rd June 

. Do the  worksheets  of Unit 6.
. Do your best   💪💪and send them to me,
as soon as possible, please.📎

Take care!!😘😘

Tuesday 2nd June 
. Review Unit 6.

.Correct the homework from yesterday.👇

P.B. page 77:

1. a   Hannibal
    b   The Romans
    c   Second Punic War
    d   Hispania
    e  Almost 200 years
    f   Scipio Africanus

2. a   Road
    b   Bridge
    c   Aqueduct

 Have a good day!!🌞🌞

Monday 1st June 

Correct Activity Book page 36.
. P.B. pages 77:
  1.Answer the questions.

. A.B. page 37.

Answers from Friday

P.B. page 76:

1. a  most famous peiople
     b  joined the Roman army
     c  achievements
     d  stablised the región
     e  enemies
     f  he/ Caesar was   assassinated.

2. a  declared, conquered
     b  poisoned, was sleeping
     c  fell, was ruling

 That's all for today!!👧👦

Friday 29th May

P.B. page 76.
  Language skills: Activities 1 and 2.(In your notebook) 

. Do A.B. page 36.

                     Have a good and sunny weekend!!🌞🌞

Thursday 28th May

. Correct A.B. page 35.
. P.B. page 74: Who was the last Roman Emperor?
  Listen and read.
. Video


Wednesday 27th May

 Correct A.B. page 33.
. P.B. page 73: Listen and read.
. Do A.B. page 35 activity 1.

 Extra information        ꜴꜺꜼꝘꝙꝜꝟ

How is Latin related to the Spanish Language?  Spanish is a Romance Language. Latin is the basis of all Romance languages.

Who were the Roman gods of war, agriculture and love?
God of war: Mars
God of agriculture: Saturn
God of love: Cupid

What did Rome become after it was a republic?
Rome became an empire.

2000 Year Old Aqueduct in Spain | Europe From Above | National Geographic UK

Tuesday 26th May

P.B. page 72: How is Latin related to the Spanish Language?
Listen and read.
Make an outline of this page, as we used to do in the classroom.
Do A.B. page 33.
Take care!!😘

Monday 25th May

Correct Activity Book page 32.
. P.B. pages 70/71: Where does the name España come from?
Listen and read.

. Look at this  video and try to understand better this lesson.
                                               HISPANIA ROMANA

Friday 22nd May

.P.B. page 69: Listen and read.
.A.B. page 32.    

Ancient History: Phoenicians and Carthaginians

Ancient History: the Greeks.

Thursday 21st May

 Concept map.
. Unit Vocabulary.
. P.B. page 68: "What is the Phoenician name for Ibiza? Ebussus

Listen and read.
That's all for today!!😘

Wednesday 20th May

. Social Science Unit 6: What did the Romans called the Iberian Peninsula? 
Answer the questions on page 66: What language can you see in this picture?
Do you Know what number this is?
. Documentary.

. Song: Live like a Roman.

Enjoy the song!! 👂

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