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  • The important role electricity plays in our daily lives.
  • The particles that make up an atom and the role they play in attaction and repulsion.
  • The difference between static and current electricity and their applications.
  • Electrical circuits.
  • Famous inventors and inventions.

Electrical charge

Electrical circuits

Open and closed circuits

Lightning Facts
  • Lightning is a powerful burst of electricity that happens very quickly during a thunderstorm.

  • Lightning is caused by an electrical charge in the atmosphere that is unbalanced.

  • The movement of rain and ice inside a thundercloud creates an electrical charge, with the negative charge (electrons) forming at the bottom of the cloud and the positive charge (protons) forming at the top.

  • Opposites attract so the negative charge at the bottom of the cloud seeks out a positive charge to connect with.

  • Lightning can occur inside clouds, between clouds and from clouds to the ground.

  • Around one quarter of lightning is from cloud to ground.

  • When lightning strikes the ground it seeks out the shortest route to something with a positive charge, this might be a tree, a tall building or if they’re very unlucky, a person.




Sound comes from vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves (NOT STRAIGHT LINES) which move through mediums such as air and water before reaching our ears.

Our ears vibrate in a similar way to the original source of the vibration, allowing us to hear many different sounds.

Light is a form of energy which our sense of sight can detect. It is made of electro-magnetic radiation and travels in straight lines.
What is the speed of light?
 It is about 300,000 kilometres per second. Nothing travels faster than light.

Depending on the light that can pass through an object, they can be:

When a light wave strikes an object, it can be absorbedreflected, or refracted by the object.





                       States of matter related to heat

The thermal energy in a solid increases, and it becomes a liquid. 
Examples: ice cream  /  butter  /  the wax of a candle / an ice cube

      The thermal energy in a liquid increases, and it becomes a gas.
Example: boiling water


The thermal energy of a substance increases, and its volume increases too.
Substances occupy more space when they are heated up. 
Example: a hot air balloon / mercury in a thermometer



Energy is the ability to do work.
It cannot be created or destroyed, it can be transformed from one form to another.

Different forms of energy

Energy transformation

 Geothermal energy


POTENTIAL: Energy stored in an object.
KINETIC: Energy produced when an object is in movement.
MECHANICAL: Potential+Kinetic.


RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: Energy that comes from nature and they will  never run out. They are renewed very easily. They are not harm to the environment.

NON-RENEWABLE: Energy that comes from nature but one day they will be finished, because they need millions of years to be renewed. They can be harm to the environment.


                                  AIR   POLLUTION

                                ACID RAIN 


The biosphere is the sum of all ecosystems.
They all together form a big puzzle, if any of these pieces is missed, everything is affected.

A food chain shows us how energy passes between organisms in an ecosystem.

Make a food chain with the following quiz. Click on here👇


food web is formed when several food chains are connected.


The main causes of extinction are:
- Deforestation
- Habitat Destruction
- Global warming
- Overfishing
-Air pollution
- Water pollution

Watch the following videos to have an idea of how we are damaging the planet. 

-Play this game about Climate change and global warming👇

-Play this game about endangered animals 👇


                         Throughout this unit we will learn the following concepts:
1. The principle characteristics and components of an ecosystem.
2. How populations, communities and ecosystems are structured.
3. How organisms adapt to their habitat.


                                                   BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC FACTORS

         Click here to play a game about biotic and abiotic factors


There are 5 types of ecosystems: Desert, Grasslands(Savannah and Temperate grassland), Forests, Acuatic (Marine and Freshwater) and Urban ecosystem.

Coniferous VS Deciduous Trees



All living things are made up of cells. Cells are the basic units of life. (Todos los seres vivos están formados por células. Las células son la unidad básica de vida).

*Plant and animal cells are different shapes and have different components, but most cells have a nucleus, a membrane, cytoplasm and organelles. (Las células vegetales y animales son de diferentes formas y tienen diferentes componentes , pero la mayoría de las células tienen núcleo ,membrana, citoplasma y orgánulos).

*Unicellular organisms are made up of only one cell. (Los organismos unicelulares están hechos de una sola célula).

*In multicellular organisms, such as animals, groups of cells work together to carry out a variety of functions. Each type of cell has a specifc function within the organism. (En los organismos pluricelulares, como los animales, diferentes grupos de células trabajan juntos para llevar a cabo una gran variedad de funciones.Cada tipo de célula tiene una función específica en el organismo).

*The cells are different shapes according to their function.  (Las células tienen diferentes formas según su función).

*Cells join together to form tissue. Organs are made up of different tissues. Systems are groups of organs that work together to perform a function. (Las células se unen para formar un tejido. Los órganos están formados por diferentes tejidos. Los sistemas son grupos de órganos que trabajan juntos para llevar a cabo una función).

*The basic life processes are carried out by different systems. (Los procesos vitales son llevados a cabo por diferentes sistemas).

*Plants are organised in a similar way to animals and other multicellular organisms. They have cells, tissues, organs and systems. Most plants have three main parts: a stem, roots and leaves. (Las plantas están organizadas de manera similar a los animales y otros organismos pluricelulares.Tienen células,tejidos,órganos y sistemas.La mayorís de las plantas tienen tres partes: tallo,raíces y hojas).

*All living things carry out the basic life processes of interaction, nutrition and reproduction, but they do this in different ways. (Todos los seres vivos llevan a cabo las funciones vitales: relación, nutrición y reproducción, pero lo hacen de manera diferente).

*All living things take in essential nutrients from their environment. (Todos los seres vivos toman nutrientes de su entorno). 

*These nutrients give them energy and enable them to grow and develop. (Estos nutrientes aportan energía y permite que crezcan y se desarrollen).

*Animals have different types of reproduction. They use their reproductive systems to make new individuals. (Los animales tienen diferentes tipos de reproducción.Utilizan un sistema reproductor para crear nuevos individuos).

*Like other living things, plants interact with their environment. Like all other living things, plants reproduce to make new individuals. They can reproduce in different ways. (Como otros seres vivos las plantas interaccionan con el medio. Como todos los seres vivos las plantas se reproducen para crear nuevos individuos. Pueden reproducirse de diferentes maneras). 


                      "The Plant Cell Clique"


 We classify living things into groups called    kingdoms. There are five different kingdoms: the Monera, ProtoctistaFungiPlant and Animal kingdoms. (Podemos clasificar los seres vivos en grupos llamados reinos. Hay cinco reinos diferentes: Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Plantas y Animal).

* Bacteria belong to the Monera Kingdom. Monerans are microscopic, but not all share the same characteristics. (Las bacterias pertenecen al reino Monera. Son microscópicas, pero no todas comparten las mismas características).

* Algae and protozoa belong to  Protista kingdom. There is a wide variety of protoctistsEach type has specific  characteristics (Las algas y los protozoos pertenecen al reino Protoctista. Hay una amplia variedad de protoctistas. Cada especie tiene características específicas).

* Mushrooms, mould and yeast are all fungi. They have several characteristics in common. (Las setas, el moho y la levadura son hongos. Tienen algunas características en común).

Plants form part of the Plant Kingdom. As members of the same kingdom, all plants have some characteristics in common. For example, they have cells with a rigid cell wall and they perform photosynthesis. (Las plantas forman parte del reino Plantas. Como miembros del mismo grupo, todas las plantas tienen algunas características en común. Por ejemplo, sus células tienen una pared celular rígida y pueden llevar a cabo la fotosíntesis). 

*Seed plants reproduce by creating seeds. There are two main types of seed plant: angiosperms and gymnosperms. (Las plantas con semillas se reproducen mediante semillas. Hay dos tipos principales de plantas con semillas: las angiospermas y las gimnospermas).

Angiosperms grow flowers. That is why they are also called flowering plants. Fruit grows from the pollinated flowers and the seeds grow inside the fruit(Las plantas angiospermas producen flores. Por eso se pueden conocer también como plantas florecientes. Los frutos crecen a partir de las flores fertilizadas y las semillas crecen dentro de los frutos).

Gymnosperms produce cones. The largest group is called conifers. The seeds grow inside the cones. Some conifer seeds are called nuts(Las plantas gimnospermas producen conos. El grupo más grande se llama coníferas. Las semillas crecen dentro de los conos. Algunas semillas se llaman piñones).

Non-seed plants,  such as ferns and mosses, don’t have seeds. They produce special cells called spores. When spores fall to the ground, they grow into new plants. (Algunas plantas sin semillas, como los helechos y los musgos, no producen semillas. Generan unas células especiales llamadas esporas. Cuando las esporas caen al suelo, crecen dando lugar a una planta nueva).

Invertebrates are animals that don’t have a backbone. They belong to the Animal Kingdom. Invertebrate animals are classified into six groups: porifera, cnidarians, annelids, molluscs, arthropods and echinoderms. (Los invertebrados son animales que no tienen espina dorsal. Pertenecen al reino Animal. Se clasifican en seis grupos: poríferos, cnidarios, anélidos, moluscos, artrópodos y equinodermos).

Vertebrates form part of the Animal KingdomThey are multicellular animals that have a backbone. They are classified into five groups: mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians(Los vertebrados forman parte del reino Animal. Son animals pluricelulares que tienen espina dorsal. Son clasificados en cinco grupos: mamíferos, reptiles, peces, aves y anfibios).


 Classification of Living things 



By the end of this unit, you will have achieved a greater understanding of the following concepts:

  • the important role electricity plays in our daily lives

  • the particles that make up an atom and the role they play in attraction and repulsion 

  • the difference between static and current electricity and their applications

  • famous inventors and inventions.

Different forms of energy

Energy transformation

What is energy?

Different forms of energy
Energy transformation

Renewable energy sources

                                             Geothermal energy


The biosphere is the largest ecosystem. 
It is made up of the planet Earth and all the living things that inhabit it.

Living things in an ecosystem can be...

The biosphere is the largest ecosystem because it is made up of planet Earth and all the
living things that inhabit it.

Living things that produce
their own food from sunlight,
water and mineral salts from
the soil (plants and algae).


Living things that eat other living things (animals) 

Primary consumers are animals that eat plants (herbivores
as rabbits, and insects as grasshoppers)
Secondary consumers are animals that eat herbivorous
animals (owls, foxes)

Tertiary consumers are animals that eat secondary
consumers (hawks)
Predators are
carnivorous animals
that hunt other
animals for food

Scavengers are
carnivorous animals
that eat the dead
bodies of other
animals (vultures).

Parasites feed of
living things without
killing them


Living things that decompose
the remains of other plants
and animals so the minerals
of these living things return
to the soil (fungi and bacteria)

Food chains show how the
species in an ecosystem are
connected to one another by
their food relationships.
Food webs are a combination
of various food chains.

                   Let's watch this video!!

What is a food chain? Click on the link below👇

                                          Food Chain - Kid's Corner (

What is a food chain?

All living things needs food to survive.

A food chain shows how each living thing gets food, and how nutrients and energy passes on from creature to creature, or from environment to creature. Below is a basic example of a food chain.

A food web

Many FOOD CHAINS make up a FOOD WEB.

Below is an example of a food web:

See how many different food chains can make up a food web?

  • This video will show you the difference between food chains and food webs.


An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially the marine ecosystem, due to human activity, and it is a form of pollution. The term is usually given to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters, but spills may also occur on land.


           How To Clean Up An Oil Spill

         How oil harms marine environments


Oil Spill Facts: Lesson for Kids👇

Prestige sinking, one of the worst oil spills in Europe.

Endangered Species

Elephants. Tigers. Gorillas. Pandas. Blue Whales. What do these amazing creatures have in common? They are some of the biggest, coolest, and most loved animals on the planet. They are all also endangered species.

An animal or plant is endangered when there are so few left alive on the planet that the entire species is in danger of vanishing forever. When a species is completely gone—and not a single one survives anywhere on Earth—it is considered extinct. Unfortunately, one out of every eight species of birds, one in four mammals, one in three amphibians, and one in five plants are endangered.

Endangered species👇

Why biodiversity is so important?

Biodiversity is the diverse and complex ecosystem that supports and gives life to all of the
organisms on our planet; insects, plants, birds, animals and us. We cannot survive without a
healthy ecosystem, our future depends on it - for our health, the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.


Throughout this unit we will learn the following concepts:
1. The principle characteristics and components of an ecosystem.
2. How populations, communities and ecosystems are structured.
3. How organisms adapt to their habitat.

African savannah animals - VIDEO

Hyenas - VIDEO

What Makes Up The Ecosystem?


coral reefs - arrecifes de coral

shoreline - orilla

limpets                                    crab 

open ocean
dolphins                    whale


rivers and streams

lakes and ponds

Savannah and Prairie

Savannah and Prairie


Coniferous VS Deciduous Trees

Types of Trees Song 

UNIT 1: Living things

The 5 kingdoms of living things
Watch this video, please. 


Cells are living things because they carry out the life processes of nutrition, interaction and reproduction. All living things are made up of cells.

                                      Animal and plant cells are different:       

                                                                             Plant cells

                                The plant cell and its parts 

Cells, Tissues, and Organs

Like all living organisms, the human body is made up of cells. There are all different types of cells in the human body. When lots of similar cells work together to perform a function, they 

make up tissue. There are four main types of tissue in the human body including muscle tissue, connective tissue, epithelial tissue, and nervous tissue.

Organs are somewhat independent parts of the body that carry out special functions. 

They are made up of tissues. Examples of organs include the eyes, heart, 

lungs, liver, and stomach.

The human body is made up of around 37 trillion cells.

Cell Tissue Organ System Organism

                      Viro the virus


                            What is Coronavirus? An explainer for Children.

Wednesday 20th May

. Social Science Unit 6: What did the Romans called the Iberian Peninsula? 
Answer the questions on page 66: What language can you see in this picture?
Do you Know what number this is?
. Documentary.

. Song: Live like a Roman.

Enjoy the song!! 👂

Tuesday 19th May

Correct P.B. Page 77: 1,2 and 3.P.B. page76, 2.
.Do the Natural  Science worksheets Unit 6. They are very
 important, so do your best and send them to me, please.
That's all for today!

Monday 19th May

The tasks for today:
.Correct Activity Book page37.
. Answers  P.B. page 76,activity 1.
a-are   b-gave  c- because  d- have   e- which   f- when
. Do P.B. page 76, activity 2,page 77,activities 1,2 and 3
in your notebook.
That's all for today!!😘

Friday 15th May

1. Do Activity Book page 37.

2. Do Pupil’s Book page 76: Activity 1.
That's all!!
Have a good weekend!!😉😘

Thursday 14th May

1. Correct Activity Book page 36.
2. Pupil’s Book page 75: Listen and read. Isaac Newton.

Newton's Discovery-Sir Isaac Newton

Top 10 Inventions of All Time

That's all for today!!!
 Enjoy your walks!!

Wednesday 13th May

1. Correct Activity Book page 33.
2. Pupil’s Book page 74: Inventions we use everyday. 
Listen and read, only Archimedes.
3. Do Activity Book page 36.  

Simple Machines - Archimedes Screw. 

Do not do it, just watch the video!!!

15 Accidental Inventions You Can't Imagine Your Life Without

That's all for today!!
Thank you so much! You're working hard!
I miss you all!!!   

Tuesday 12th May

1.  Correct Activity Book page 33. (Adjunto)
2. Pupil’s Book page 72: levers. Listen and read.
3. Do Activity Book page 35. 
4. Make your own lever, page 73.    

Monday 11th May

1. Correct Activity Book page 32.
2. Pupil’s Book page 71: Pulley
Listen and read.
3. Do Activity Book page 33.   

That's all for today!!!😘
Friday 8th May

Pupil's book page 70: Why are machines so important?
Listen and read.
Do Activity Book page 32. 
Have a look at the videos below  👇
They are interesting!
I hope you like them!!
                                                       Have a nice weekend!!😘😘
Remember to wash your hands! 👏  👏 

The Simple Machine Song

Simple Machines

Simple and Complex Machines

Wednesday 6th May

Unit 6: How have machines changed the world?
Pupil's Book pages 68-69: 
That's all for today!!!😘😘

Tuesday 5th May

Do worksheet Unit 5 and send it to me, please. 

Pay attention when doing it!!                

Monday 4th May
Worksheet Unit 5. Then send it to me, please.

Pay attention when doing it!!!💪💪💪

Thursday  30th April

Do the vocabulary and content revision  worksheets. 
Correct Pupil's Book page 66 and 67👇

Pupil’s Book page 66.

2.Complete the sentences in your notebook.
a.      broken
b.      fallen
c.      sunk
d.      Stuck

Pupil’s Book page 67.

1.     1.  Look at the materials.
a.      Hard, ineslatic,insoluble, resistant, rigid.
b.      Rigid, soluble.
c.       Fragile, hard,inelastic, insoluble, rigid.
d.      Elastic, soft, flexible, insoluble.
e.      Termal conductor, hard, inelastic, insoluble, resistant, rigid.
f.        Flexible, inelastic, insoluble, termal insulator, soft.
g.      Flexible, inelastic, insoluble, resistant, soft.
2.     2.  What type of force does each one show?
a.      Gravity
b.      Changing shape
c.       Push
d.      Magnetism
e.      Pull, friction

Wednesday 28th April

Correct Pupil's Book page 66, activity 1. 👇
1. Listen and identify the correct box.
             1   b
             2   a
            3   a
Do Pupil's Book page 66, activity 2 
and page 67, activities 1 and 2.

Have a good weekend!!😉😘

Tuesday 27th  April

Pupil’s Book page 65: You can do the experiment at home.
Correct  Activity Book page 31. (Adjunto)
  Pupil’s Book page 66: 1. Listening.

That's all for today!!!☺☺
Enjoy your walks!!

Monday 27th  April

Pupil’s Book page 64: Listen and read. 
Do Activity Book page 31. 
Watch the video below.👇

Sink or Float?

Friday 24th  April

Pupil's Book page 63:
Listen and read.      
 Non-contact forces are forces that don't require contact with an object.
Correct  Activity Book page 30.
Read about Magnetism and look at the videos below👇


View Magnetic Fields 

Magnets and Magnetism 

Thursday 23rd April

Pupil's Book page 62:
Listen and read.    
Answer the question: What are non-contact forces?
Do Activity Book page 30.
Watch the videos  on the blog.👇

Cheer up!!! I miss you!!!😘😘


Gravity, Force  and  Work 

Wednesday 22nd  April

Correct Activity Book page 29. 
Correct the question. 
Pupil's Book page 61:
Listen and read. 
Watch the videos on the blog.

A Force is a Push or Pull

Forces That Cause Change 

Tuesday 21st April

Correct Activity Book page 28. 
Pupil's Book page 60:
What are contact forces? Answer in your notebook or paper.
Listen and read. 

Do Activity Book page 29.

Forces: Contact and Non-contact 

Monday 20th April

Correct Activity Book page 27.
Pupil's Book page 59: Listen and read.
Answer the question:
Can you explain the difference between natural and manmade materials?
Listen to the unit song: "Materials at school"
Do Activity Book page 28.

                Here you have a video about "Thermal conduction".

  Friday 17th April

Two american kids saying hi - Download Free Vectors, Clipart ...

Correct Activity Book page 26. 
Pupil's Book page 58:
Listen and read.
Answer the 2 questions: 
What is the opposite of flexible?
 Can you think of any other rigid or flexible materials?
Do Activity Book page 27.

Properties of Materials | Science | KS1, KS2

Materials And Their Properties Word Mat Activity Pack - Materials ...

Here you have  some videos about the properties of materials.
Enjoy them!!! 

👇You can write a comment below! 😉

Thursday 16th April

Pupil's Book page 57:
Listen and read.
Do Activity Book page 26. 

Extra information!!!

When we add thermal energy to a subtance, the state of the substance changes or the volumne of the substance increases.

The thermal energy in a solid increases, and it becomes a liquid. 
Examples: ice cream  /  butter  /  the wax of a candle / an ice cube


The thermal energy in a liquid increases, and it becomes a gas.
Example: boiling water


👇You can write a comment below! 😉

Wednesday 15th April 2020

Pupil’s book page 56
What is the matter? Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
How many grams are there in a kilogram? There are 1,000 grams in a kilogram.
How many millilitres are there in a centilitre? There are 10 millilitres in a centilitre.
A centilitre is one hundredth of a litre.
Can you think of an object that has a big volume but little mass? A balloon.  



What is matter?  

·        Everything around us is made of matter.
·        Matter exits in three states: solid, liquid and gas.
·        Matter can’t be created or destroyed; it just changes.
·        Matter can undergo physical or chemical changes.

Unit 5: Which forces are invisible?

Tuesday 14th April

Pupil’s Book page 54.

Questions and answers:

Which forces are invisible?
Non- contact forces, such as gravity and magnetism, are invisible.

Can you name the properties of these materials?
A glass jar is rigid, fragile and transparent.
A wooly hat is soft and flexible.
A plastic bottle is flexible, resistant and transparent.
A wooden ruler is rigid, fragile and opaque.
An elastic band is elastic, flexible and soft.

Pupil's Book Page 55

What states of matter can you see in these images?
Liquid, solid and gas.
What do you call the processes by which water changes from one state to another?
Evaporation, condensation, freezing and melting.

Unit 5:  Vocabulary

  • English                                                           Castellano
  • Atom                                                              átomo
  • attract                                                             atraer
  • buoyancy                                                       flotabilidad
  • condense                                                       condensar
  • conductor                                                      conductor
  • density                                                          densidad
  • elastic                                                           elástico
  • evaporate                                                     evaporar
  • friction                                                         fricción
  • gram                                                            gramo
  • gravity                                                         gravedad
  • hard                                                             duro
  • hardness                                                      dureza
  • inelastic                                                      inelástico
  • insoluble                                                    insoluble
  • insulator                                                     aislante
  • kilogram                                                     kilogramo
  • magnetism                                                  magnetismo
  • mass                                                           masa
  • matter                                                         materia
  • melt                                                            derretir
  • mould                                                         moldear
  • occupy                                                       ocupar
  • property                                                     propiedad
  • repel                                                          repeler
  • rubber                                                       goma
  • solidify                                                     solidificarse
  • soluble                                                     soluble
  • volume                                                    volumen

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